Sunday, June 8, 2008

BN's code of ETHICS

During Pa Lah's recent visit to Sabah, he brought some "goodies" to pacify the growing dissent among the BN mps. Of late mps from Sabah are singing the so-called "old songs" that were being sung by Parti Keadilan Rakyat "Justice and fairness for Sabah and Sabahans" during the run-up to the recent polls. Little did most of us realised that there were "spiked candies".

The recent increase of up to 60% in petrol prices was unprecedented in Malaysian History. Once again our voters were duped by BN's candidates and campaigners spin that there will be no fuel increase this year. Just like the so-called free school fees. And they say they are ethical.

The unprecedented vote buying using KWAMP funds and other abuses of government funds and facilities were also considered ethical. In the case of Sabah, is it ethical that an oil producing and nett oil exporting state should burden its people with price increase? I am no economist but I have yet to see any other oil producing state in this planet making such a drastic increase in oil price. We should be laughing our heads off since increase in world oil price should mean more revenue for us. That is human logic and pure common sense. But then BN will say that is unethical.

To BN, it is ethical to subsidise Genting and YTL power producing plants to the tune of RM1 billion each for gas but it is unethical to subsidise the cooking gas of the 24% Sabahans living below the poverty level ( figure is as stated by Pa Lah when launching the "Sabah Corridor"). By no stretch of imagination is the families of Lim Goh Tong, Francis Yeoh and Ananda Krishnan more deserving than the people at large.

It is also ethical to spend our money to build Terminal 2 LCCT for budget airlines and then moving them to Terminal 1 when it is completed (as stated recently by the federal Minister in charge). It is unethical to use the funds to buy chairs and tables for our students in the rural areas.

That my friends is BN code of Ethics.

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